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Bozen Urlaub mit Kindern garden with pool

Breathe easy
... in the mountain pool
Diving into a mountain lake? Crystal clear water and the feeling of depth turn the outdoor pool into a mountain pool. Keeping your head down is not difficult here.

... in the garden
Far away from everything and yet very close to yourself: Dozing dreamily in the hammock or losing yourself quietly in a book, and D for daily routine gets changed all by itself into D for a dream of harmony.

... under the walnut tree
Our garden is spacious and overlooked by an old majestic walnut tree – the heart of the meadow. Equanimous and persistent, it turns the garden into your favourite place.

Let your toes feel the grass and bathe in the morning dew:
Freedom begins at your feet.

... oft the herbs

... in the herb garden
Knowing how it tastes, knowing how it works: (un)weeds have free rein here. Their number is growing year by year along with the knowledge of the herbal witch Petra.
There is magic in every beginning ...
and an effect in every herb.

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